Social Media: The Beginners Guide

Welcome to The Beginners Guide to Social Media by Maxene London Copywriting.

My hope is that no matter where your skill levels lie, this guide will contain helpful tips and insight to help you reach your audience.

The value of Social Media

I'm hoping that you're here because you're already well aware of social media's value, but in case you forgot:

  • 3.5 million kiwis are active on social media every day

  • Most of those visits are through a mobile phone

  • Kiwis spend almost 2 hours a day on social media

  • The average kiwi visits Facebook 14 times every day!

So, it's safe to say, people spend A LOT of time on social media. Making social media a great place to not only reach potential clients but form relationships, gain trust and build brand loyalty. Having a strong social presence can also be great for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), which can get you found more easily on search engines like Google.

Let's talk content

When you're scrolling through social media, what sort of content are you more likely to engage with?

It's the interesting stuff, right? The stuff you can relate to, find helpful or entertaining. People don't tend to respond to a straight-up call to action UNLESS that brand has already gained their trust as someone they're willing to engage with.

So don't just harp on about your services! Post something interesting, engaging or useful

Here are some ideas:

1. Tips and Advice

This positions you as an expert in your field

2. Video Content

Video content through Facebook is rewarded because it's competing with Youtube.

Keep it short, keep it relatable, don't over-edit or over process or people will think it's an ad

3. People

People will always find content that features people more engaging.

Highlight some staff members, introduce yourself, show us what you're working on

4. Journey Stories

Don't just focus on your products/services. Take your audience behind the scenes, show them your process - what's the story?

But how often should you post?

Keep engagement up by posting regularly. As a general rule, you should post to your social media accounts a minimum of 3 times per week.

But don't just post random, useless or irrelevant content. It needs to be valuable and engaging ALWAYS.

It's better not to post than to post something that isn't serving a purpose.


Aesthetics are everything when it comes to social!

From your posts to the landing page, each visual should be well-considered and designed.

No matter how well you do your targeting and hashtags, you've still only got the length of a scroll to capture someone’s attention.

So make the most of it with crazy good images that shout your brand and the lifestyle you're selling.