How to craft copy that sells
It's not a shocker that effective copywriting isn't simply about selling but portraying an idea.
Some of the greatest writers in history have transformed the ways in which we live, work and entertain ourselves. That's because they're selling more than just products and services - they're selling compelling ideas and fresh, new ways of living.
How can you craft copy that sells more than just a product?
The most effective communicators and writers have spent years refining their craft. It doesn't happen overnight - but nothing worthwhile ever does.
So - work on it, practice and remember that all great things take time.
Here are a few pointers to help you get started!
1 - Understand your audience
Before getting started on producing any sort of content, you need to understand who your audience is. Once you know who you're targeting, it'll be so much easier to write content that engages and relates to them.
Before getting started, ask yourself these questions:
- What age and gender is your target audience?
- Where do they live?
- What are their interests and hobbies?
- What motivates them?
- What concerns do they have?
2 - Know your objective
Clearly, you're wanting to sell something. But what else do you want to achieve through your copy?
What thoughts and ideas do you want to get across? Maybe you're introducing people to a new product, or maybe you're introducing shipping to a new area. Maybe you want to entertain your audience or inform them about the benefits of your products.
All it takes is a couple of bullet points - but it's important to have this at hand before you begin.
3 - Hook them in
Whether you're crafting an article, email or resource - the headline is important. Most people will overlook messages that don't draw them in, which is why a hook is so important.
There are so many techniques you can use to create a hook, but make sure it's concise and simple.
This isn't about click-bait, it's about drawing them into equally compelling content through a persuasive headline. The content needs to be worthwhile if you want people to continue exploring your website.
4 - Use your storytelling power
There's no denying the power in a good story. In fact, they're probably the most effective way to connect with your readers.
What’s your story?
Everyone has one, but it's how you portray it that matters. Take your readers on a journey. Describe what life is like with and without your products. Find stories that help propel your ideas to your readers.
5 - Be down to earth
It's important to address your readers as equals. This may seem obvious, but lots of businesses position themselves as smarter or better than their clients.
Describe the value of your products and services, but do it in a way that's down to earth and relatable.
6 - Adjectives are your friend, but use them wisely
Descriptive language is such an important aspect of any sort of writing. Good descriptive writing plays into the audiences 5 senses: sight, sound, taste, smell and touch.
It's important not to go overboard with the adjectives though. While they can be awesome at painting a clearer picture, if they're used too often or in the wrong context they can make your copy a convoluted mess.
7 - A strong, clear call to action (CTA)
If you want to generate sales, you'll need a strong call to action. A strong call to action can be the difference in whether or not you get that extra client.
In fact, a call to action is so important you should write that first and build up the rest of your content from there. How do you write a strong call to action? Check out these 5 tips on how to nail it!
8 - Practice
Becoming a compelling writer takes time and practice. Stick with it, it may even take a little trial and error.
Remember, nothing worth doing happens overnight.