The Power of Words


They may take thee on a journey through time,

Get you catching the feels,

Or persuade you to buy something you really didn't need.

You know what I'm talking about.

That spiralizer you saw on TV that you just had to have, but somehow have never used.

I know you tear up a little when you read about Dumbledore's death (spoiler alert!).

And every time you pick up that Jane Austin novel, you're transported into a whole new world of cobbled streets and poofy dresses, white makeup and corsets.

The power of words is hugely underestimated today. People presume they should be confined to books and novels, or that only authors and journalists should know how to use them. After all, wasn't English class in high school just the worst?

But, the world is constructed with words - today more than ever! We're living in a world where everything passes through a keyboard, and the majority of content we consume is read to us through a screen.

Ask yourself this.

Have you ever been stuck with the perfect selfie, but you couldn't think of the right caption to post with it?

Isn't it awkward when you're applying for jobs, and you not only have to write up your application - but you have to boast about yourself and your accomplishments?

Have you been thinking about starting a business, but you don't know what to write on the website or how to talk to potential clients?

Having the right words represent yourself, your brand and your products can make or break the opportunity for growth. Online, there are so many businesses offering the exact same thing, and the exact same products or services.

It's your words that define you. It's your words that make you stand out. It's your words that create success.

The words you choose can transport people to another time, maybe a memory in their lives or a different era altogether.

The words you choose can evoke emotion - make them happy, angry or even make them cry.

The words you choose can persuade people - to engage with your content, to sign a petition or whip out their credit cards and buy what you're selling.

Don't underestimate the power of words.

“What unites people? Armies? Gold? Flags? Stories. There's nothing more powerful in the world than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it."

- Tyrion Lannister

Everyone has a good story, it's how you tell it that's important!

What's your story?

“What unites people_ Armies_ Gold_ Flags_ Stories. There's nothing more powerful in the world than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it._.png