How to hook them in!

Imagine your readers break out in a sudden smile,

They've just started reading your latest post, it tickled their fancy and dug right into their imagination.

It's an awesome feeling, isn't it?

When someone's been reading your content, and really engaging. Not just skimming through to get to the good stuff, but actually absorbing every little word.

Well - you're still reading 7 seconds into this blog post. Why is that?

The power of a good opening sentence and a solid title will draw you into the dullest content. Like those moments where you laugh simply because those around you are laughing, even if you didn't hear the joke.

The first sentence of this blog drew a picture in your imagination:

"Imagine your readers break out in a sudden smile"

It's an image that sparks joy. It may even be something you've been yearning to achieve. It might just be the perfect solution to your business problems!

How to hook them in!

That first line is called 'the hook'. We use it a lot in media - from journalism to radio announcing, to writing ads. It's a well-known copywriting technique which is intended to draw in your audience and make them intrigued to know more. And it's just as important to use this technique on your website and in your social media or blog posts. Time is precious, and your audience is using theirs to read your stuff! So make it worth their while!

So how can you make your first sentences truly hook them in?

1 - Be fast and punchy!

Get to the point early. No more slow, boring, drawn-out introductions. People want to know where you're going.

2 - Make it a short sentence

Trim the fat! Cut out unnecessary words or try to say it in a different way. Instead of: "they walked really slowly to the park down the road", simply say: "they dawdled to the park".

No one likes a rambler.

3 - Make a one-sentence paragraph

Don't be afraid to push that enter button! I do it all the time! Just look at this post!

It makes things easier to read.

4 - Evoke emotion

Try to have a clear picture of who's reading your stuff. Think hard about how you can make even the most serious of people break out into a cheesy grin!

5 - Address their problems right off the batt

What problem does your reader have? Let them know you can solve their issues, but tease it out. That'll keep them reading!