How to write a good 'about us' page

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when writing your 'about' page, is writing too much about yourself and your business.


You shouldn't be.

Think about it this way. When you're meeting someone for the first time, let's just say you're on a first date, it's not that cool when the other person talks only about themselves.

"Hey, I'm Jono" (Not based on a real person 😅)

"I work at this place called... After getting my honours at... And then I took a year off and went backpacking through Europe... It was a life-changing experience... Oh, can you get the bill, I left my wallet at home".

I mean - can you imagine? You've just met this guy, and all he did was talk about himself, his work, his achievements and then expected you to pick up the bill.

It's the same deal when you're writing your 'About' page.

This is the first encounter someone is probably having with your business. Or maybe, they've seen your stuff on social media and want to know more before making the decision to use you over someone else.

The purpose of your business is to provide what your dream clients need - right? So when they're checking out your website, they're gonna be thinking: "does this business understand me? Why should I choose this business over others?"

So, you wanna make sure that your 'About' page talks to potential clients, and not just about yourself.

If clients feel understood - odds are, they're more likely to stick around, find out more or take action.

Which is what you want! Right?

What then, makes a good 'About Us' page?

Before jumping straight in with the goods, let's take a moment to realign ourselves with what the purpose of an 'About' page actually is.

The 'About' page for a business or online store is the place where potential customers go to find out more about your brand and the people behind it.

It can include things like:

  • How the brand got started

  • What makes your brand different from the rest

  • The values and beliefs that the brand stands for

  • Why customers should choose you over your competitor

One of the most powerful ways to do this is to tell a story.

Storytelling is a great way to convey your message to potential customers. It relates to them in a way that makes them emotionally invested in your brand and starts to build trust.

If people can relate to some of the values, hardships or victories that you’ve faced, this is where that trust and brand loyalty can come from.

So, how do you write a good 'about us' page?

There's no set list of rules when it comes to what to, and what not to, include. It can be made up of anything you feel is important to get your brand story across. But if you do need a hand getting started, here are a few things that can be helpful to include.

Build your 'about' page around your unique selling point

You've probably heard copywriters and marketers talking about a USP right? This unique selling point is what makes you different, and better than, your competitors. So, find out what yours is and build your page around that.

If your USP is that you source all your ingredients organically, explain why that matters to you and your business. If it's your super lenient returns policy, again, focus on why this policy is important.

Identifying just what your unique selling point is can be tricky when you didn't start your business with it in mind. If you're having trouble figuring it out, reach out to a digital marketer like me. This is what we do. Digital markets often have the innate ability to read between the lines, and find out the why behind what you do.

Show your face

You may have noticed that posts on social media that include people have the best engagement, that's because the human eye is drawn to faces.

Including the faces of your team members or founders is a great way of controlling where the human eye is drawn. It also personifies your business and makes it more relatable and trust-worthy.

If you’re a solopreneur, all you need is a really simple profile shot of yourself. This will show your clients just who they're working with, and it gives them a bit of insight into your personality too.

Telling your story

As mentioned earlier, your brand story is what makes you unique. It builds trust and rapport. It's a really powerful way to communicate a message to your audience.

There is no other story quite like yours. And while other people may be able to relate to aspects of it, what you've got to share is fully unique. So, roll with that!

And yes, y'all running e-commerce businesses also have a story to tell. Just like everyone.

Here are some starting points for figuring out your story:

  1. When did you first have the idea for the business?

  2. What motivated you to keep going when you came across your first hurdle?

  3. Where are you now?

  4. What's your ultimate goal?

But no matter how tempting it may be, please don't write a huge essay. Keep it simple, keep it concise, keep it short. No one wants to hear your story rambled on.

Share the 'behind the scenes'

Anyone can be anyone on the internet. And to risk sounding cynical, there are people who'll make stuff up just to make more money. Transparency is key on the internet. Transparency and authenticity.

It doesn't take long for people to snuff out a fake, but it's your job to help ease their minds.

Sharing behind the scenes work or manufacturing is a now marketable asset.

So, you work alongside charities? Give your audience the inside scoop.

Your products are made internationally? Let people know that you don't enforce slave-labour.

You handmake your products? Share the process.

Embrace these selling points, and show them off.

Something as simple as a few photos or a little video will do the trick. It can go a long way in building authenticity and trust within your community.

The call to action

Now that your 'about us' page is looking great, think about what you want people to do next.

Your 'call to action' (CTA) will tell people exactly what to do, and where to go. You don't want people sitting cluelessly at the bottom of your page, or exiting early because they don't know what to do about it.

A CTA should be simple, clear and concise.

So, now that you've written a great about page, what's next?

Don't forget about it. And keep it updated.

You can usually tell when a brand hasn't updated their website in a while. It can look a little cringey and outdated.

A well-written 'about us' page can build trust in ways that no other page can. But an old, outdated page shows neglect, and as a result, destroys trust.

It's so important to go back to it every now and then. Keep it fresh, relevant and current.

There are a lot more things you can do and experiment with, so don’t be afraid to try different things and get a little creative. Maybe you could chuck up a video, or use a contact form at the bottom of the page.

If you are still having trouble with it though, there's no harm to reaching out to someone like me for help. I mean, hey - we do this kind of thing for a living right?